Temasek Polytechnic
Internet & Multimedia Development
Friday, February 23, 2007
blood diamond and
apocalypto rocked big time! love it laa. watched apocalypto till 3am with my dad last night and blood diamond the night before. omg. blood diamond is such a great action-packed and rip-roaring adventure movie man. i got so hooked into it. its really good.
it centers around this rare pink diamond that has caused conflicts between the government, terrorist and smugglers. so yeah thr was so much tension and violence throughout the whole movie. leonardo de caprio was the lead. looks kinda old in the movie though so my dad only realised that it was him almost halfway through the show. lol. the plot took place in Africa and leonardo had to speak the African accent. oooh, so hot! LOL. the accent only not him. hahahaha. come to think of it, the way Africans speak are more or less similar to the Jamaicans. cool MAN! haha.
"short-sleeved or long sleeved?"..."our future is in our hands. so we take your hands means we have future!" LOL. its the lamest thing ive heard but its hilarious.
BUT apocalypto was by far the most thrilling, violent, suspense and entertaining movie tht ive ever watched. its BRILLIANT. whatnot? its directed by mel gibson....so like duh! haha. well, this movie centers aroundthe mayan empire...u know apaches(red-indians) that kinda thing. i had to depend on the subtitles the whole time as they were speaking the red-indians language. haha. i love rudy youngblood! hes plays
Jaguar Paw, the lead, in the story. he may not sound familiar to any of u guys but hes GOOD i tell you.
"My name is Jaguar Paw. I hunt this forest. My father hunt this forest before me. And my son and the sons after them will hunt this forest when im gone. I am Jaguar Paw. I hunt this forest." it might sound like nothing here. but it is really an intimidating statement. famous quote of the movie. heh. the storyline is well-written. well im not gna say it here cos it gna be a weeee bit too long. haha.
A point to note though: apocalypto is full of VIOLENCE. parental guidance needed. really. interesting but gruel. mel gibson is a very smart guy. who wld think of using red ants as stitches?? uuurrghh, its disgusting but clever. haha. im so gonna watch it again after my exams are over. lol.
speaking of exam, maths paper ystd was manageable. im just hoping tht i can do the same for oopg on monday. and then im done. woohoo. though i seriously dont know how im gna squeeze time to mug when we're at the chalet later. ohwells, i MUST find the time.
anyways, after watching apocalypto, i followed my parents and my aunts to the
Senoko Fishery Port. at 4am! woohoo. haha. it only operates at midnight till very early morning. i love to do unexpected things such as this. it wasnt planned actually. we went there to get some prawns for the chalet later this evening. so, we got 10 kilos of prawns from there. teehee. yessa! food! butter prawns! chilli stingray! woohoo! yummay! lol. ok so then we headed to jalan kayu for bfast and reached like ard 6am? yes. i cldnt even open my eyes alr. haha. another sleepless night for me. no actually i did sleep and i just woke up at 11am. haha. woots. kk, gtg prepare my stuffs now alr.
so take care aight peeps? have a good weekend! :D
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
i cant wait for the holidays!
thrs so many to do during this 2 months of hols. sweeet!
so yeah only 2 papers away till i get my long awaited freedom! woohoo!
hahahah. okok.
omg. im like so stunned. how can liverpool beat barca?!? woa! how can??? haiyer. definitely not a good news. anws, i have yet to watch the match between man utd and lille. heard that it was a controversial goal. hmm. hope they show it during highlights.
anws, just now did a lil window shopping at sunplaza. haha. weird rite. everyday go thr also still want to window-shopped. haha. bored mah. so go see see lo. lol. so yeah walked ard for an hour or so. and ofcos must always visit popular. haha. not always laaa. i still rmbr the other day when i went to changi airport w my family. we were passing this bookstore uh. then my dad said to me..during my childhood days, whenever i came across a bookstore, be it popular, mph, borders..etc..whether be in spore or or not...i will surely disappear. ges whr i went? into that bkstore laa what else. hahah. then i would tell my parents to leave me thr for 45mins or so while they go shopped ard at that mall. lol. good rite me? haha. i make the bookstore like a play ctr seh. u know like those kind at downtown east whr the parents leave their toddlers for a period of time while they go walk ard. ahh, like that ahh. lol. ohyah, and i will NEVER fail to get out of a bookstore without buying something. lol. so yeah. but im not much into that kinda habit now. well, maybe a lil bit. the buying part. hahha.
woots. lets see whats coming up in my hols to-do list:
*family gathering at costa sands
*class gathering at kevin's house
spent time w the kambings*leox outing cum chalet
FOC (07/08)
go library and borrow books! (my favourite holiday past-time. lol)
*catch a movie
*go shopping w mi mama again. haha.
*eat more; which i think i will cos i tend to eat more when i spent longer times at home.
*SLEEP. hehh.
phew, i ges thats about it for now, atleast. speaking of
FOC(freshmen orientation camp), woa! im so happy that i got selected to be one of the GLs this year. woohooo! boy, tot i wasnt gna be chosen laaa cos i left early on the 3rd day. aahhhhh! cant wait!
hmm, i miss reading book. its such a nice feeling to just sit down and read a good book without needing to worry abt skool work and other stuffs. it really does kill the boredom of just staying home and doing nothing. so yea, a visit to the lib would be something im gna look forward to. anybody care to join me? hehe. if any of you peeps tinking of gg to d lib anyday after nxt week, beep me yea? lol.
just when i tot tdy wld be such a perfect day for ppl to go tanning, down came the rain. haiyer. alrights. gtg cont mugging. have a happy holiday ppl! :D
Saturday, February 17, 2007
its gna be a babygirl! wheeeeeee :D and
AUNT EINN is so excited! hahha. aunt einn? lol. sounds weird but heck. hehe. funky aunts huh
fiqah ?? hahah. we shall be. lol. omg, im so dooper dooper high now. thrs gna be a new addition to the Ma'arof's family. yea!
haha okay. apart from the great news i just heard about, im soperdeedooper happy and relief cos i have handed in all my assignments. and now im a free girl!! woohoo! okok, maybe im rejoicing too early considering i have like two papers to sit for next week. but still??? no harm taking a lil break from skool rite? im done with all the hectic deadlines all week. now i really NEED some well-deserved rest. a lil point to note though. end-of-sem means last day of year 1. hais. and next sem, im not gna be in the same class as my classmates now. oh dang. im so gna miss them. especially to my close fren shikin. shes the best laa. shes always thr to assist me in anyway she can. this whole 1st year of poly life wldnt be the same without this minah around. hahha. jkjk. we really bonded along the way and its great to know that someone's thr to guide and support you when youre really so stressed up. and its really a blessing to have her as a friend. shes indeed a very good friend. trust me on this. so shikin a.k.a my sidekick (hehe, inside joke) , really gna miss crapping, nonsense-ing(is thr sucha word? ahh heck.) , making fool out of ourselves planning things w/o knowing the real info and just having great time laughing at our own bacin-ness. lol. hahahha. so BIG THANKS to you!! hope to keep in contact w u and hope to c u ard in skool next sem. if no same class also, hope to see u in CDS lec or class uh?? hhaaha. kau agak si dektu ambik jap jugak takk?? mesti nanti kau pengsan kan? nsdjfbijagnsajknofjdokfpakfjoajkokdpaskpd. woa, dint realise i say alot sahh. haha. special tribute ntok kau tau minahh. hahah. dekat blog aku lagi bukan kat frenster. hahhaahahhaa. love you keetam! hehe. jkjk.
anyways, before i get any more emo, i wana share u people about adventure race!! whoa, fun i tell you. ok so here's what we did. on thurs, we were supposed to have normal ac training. but since it was gna be the last one before it took a break since exams were coming, the main comm decided to make it a lil more interesting. so we had and adventure race! abit like amazing race laaa but more physically demanding and mathematically emphasised. why mathematically? hmm, for the whole race, everything was about numbers! ohgod. haha. so anw, we started off at the SDC(Students Development Centre) at ard 6:30pm. thr were 6 teams altogether and thr were 4 people per team. T4, my grp, and T6 were exceptional as we had 5 people in d grp. when we got the first clue, we had to solve this puzzle, which was supposed to tell us whr we're supposed to head next. the next thing i know, we had to do 20 outdoor pull-ups(the men one), then we rush of to the fountain pond for some telematch game. we ran all the way to bedok reservoir next for kayaking. well, i didnt kayak ofcourse. i dont have star 1 how to kayak? haha. sadleh. but they oni need 2 members to do it anw so it was oklaa. after that, we had too rush all the way to engine block(which is like the other end of TP?..goodness, im so glad to be in TP in a time like tis cos its considered quite small. haha). thr, each one of us had to run up and down eight storeys to get the mystery no, that we had to solve. woa, tiring sahh but fun. after solving the sum, we headed to some unknown quarry which is outside TP. not right outside uh. we had to like run all the way to this junction, then run a few more metres to this forest. and the thing is, it was alr after 7pm, so yeah it was that dark. and to think we had no torchlight and we had to trek inside some unknown quarry/forest..along w high tides, was "interesting". haha. i had been in that kinda place before, and it was at midnite even so it was oklaa not so bad. so after getting our clue, we had to make our way back to TP's swimming complex. we got lost otw thr. hahha. stoopid rite, got lost in TP. lol. the construction sitelaa make us confuse. haha. and due to tht, T3, beat us to the swimming complex. damn. haha. so what do we do at the swimming complex?? swimlaaaa of course. haha. so, me and my grp member, gabriel had to swim for our team. so yeah, it was such a blissful thing for me. firstly, it has been a long long time since i last swim and second cos after sucha long2 run ard skool, the next thing u wna do is to just dunked urself into a pool. woaa, heaven...hehe. "19,16,15,18,20,3" yes, that was the set of numbers i had to rmbr so that i can pass it on to my next team member. had to swim 2 laps to and fro. woa, my stamina really gonelaa. while swimming back, my legs and arms were warying out alr. so next stop was the finishing line! wheee, we arrived in third. we clocked in at 2hours 34mins and ? secs. haha. but overall, we came in forth cos of the time tabulation. no worries, its oklaa. we enjoyed ourselves. thts the most important thing. training should be like this more often. haha. so during the prize presentation, we got a brand new AC tee! yessa! i like. haha. a small towel and a laptop casing as well. lol. yepp thts about it. we ended quite late and thr was a chinese new year reunion dinner for the ac members aft training. it was open to all non-chinese members as well. but i didnt go. i was so tiredd cos i really worked myself up that thursday. dint sleep at all the previous nite. and besides, i wouldnt have any transport to get home if i were to go cos it was alr so late.
so okay, before i end this entry off... heres a lil something for my dear C141 classmates..
C141G (Apr 06/07)
* sorry guys. something wrong with my paragraphing. dang.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
hmm. went to causeway point ystd with my mom. chinese new year's ard the corner and ofcos thr were sales going on. so, we did some shopping ard for clothes. and boy did we did shopped alot. lol. once in awhile mahh. haha. so anws, i bumped into
kak deena ystd while walking ard metro. wheee! so gladd to see her laaa. its been so long. hmm, lemme think..ard 2 yrs plus?? long rite?? shes still the bubbly ol' her but ofcos more mature. we chat for awhile cos she had to continue with her work. so yea. still have yet to bump into my other seniors. hmm, meeting kak deena ystd really make me miss the malay dance peeps a whole lot more.
reunion ppl? and ofcourse,
the kambings. we seriously NEED to meet up soOn!
miss you guys.. :(
so today is valentine's day. surely most of you are like out celebrating with your love ones. me? well, all i did was go to sch, had a presentation then went str hm after tt to complete my never-ending assignments...which will officially be
OVER as of tmrw. WOOHHOO! but, i dont mind actually. today is just like any other normal day. nothing significant at all. i'd rather spent this day with my family. speaking of v'Day, 2 of my subject lecturers,
Ms Cherry and
Ms Zel gave my class a lil gift. it was so sweet of them to do that. ms zel gave us daim chocs today. woots! chocs! hahha. and it was so sweeet of ms cherry to sew for us lil heart shapes. although it was just a lil gift, its actually the thought that counts. love ms cherry laa. so far, shes like my fave lecturer. i'd prefer her hands down as compared to ms peggy. she treats us like her frens and that wht i like about her. so ms Cherry, a big
THANK YOU to u! its gna be boring not having her as our lecturer anymore after tmrw. and ofcos im gna miss class C141G! woa, time really passes by when ure having fun. yea i know, its a lil cliche but its true. gna miss all those fun times joking ard with em' funny ppl. we're still gna see one another at skool but we aren't gg to be in the same class as of next sem. we're gna be divided into 3D Animation & Distributed Multimedia. oh dang, im not sure which one i shld opt for. as much as i love doing animations, it all still depends on my exam results. and the end-of-sem exam will be starting nxt friday. just two papers and then i can ENJOY! woohohooo. cant waiit.
so how class, how should we end it off, go bowling or play street soccer?? just like how we started. mhmm.
okay. better go start doiing my work. haii. tonite will be another sleepless night.
Friday, February 09, 2007
elo people. boy it has been a rough week for me. dang it. but before i get into that, let me first congratulate farhana, johan, iryani and hazlyn for doing well for their o's. well done guys! :D really gladd for you people. you can now pursue your dreams on getting into the polytechnic/jc and courses that ure really interested in! its gna be so much fun i tell you. poly life is FUN! its gna be an interesting ride. trust me.(*ermm, excluding the projects that youre gna have to look forward to) lol. kk, back to my rollercoaster week. excluding monday, the rest of the days were horrible. somehow the skool coms got infected by virus, and due to that most of the peeps gt their thumbdrive infected by it as well. including me. well, thats a "good news" considering this two weeks are the most impt weeks cos thrs alot of projects/assignments as well as presentation deadlines need to be met. like "THANKS" ALOT EH! but its okay. thankgod all my files are still there, only that their hidden. and i wasnt panic at all when i tot that my td was gna be corrupted soon, cos i still haf my lappy that has all my files stored thr as well. and when i tot things cld get any better..guess what??? i found out on wednesday that i cant logged into my lappy. like WTH?! one after another seh. if i tot my td being infected by virus was bad enough, i think this is worst. i was so pissed laa. thr was no way i cld get into my desktop. went to the skool's cyber centre to find out what was wrong, apparently, they left me more clueless. following tht i called up the acer hq and all the guy on the other line has to say was,"i guess you have windows corruption..and you need to reformat your whole laptop, there's no other way." wow! thats alot of help! ...but then again, me being sumone hu always play safe, have alr saved all my pic,songs and files in the D drive, so again i wasnt worrying tht much. but my parents, omg, they were even more panic than me laa. haha. parents. paham2 ajelaa eh. in addition to that, i came down with a very bad flu to perfect all this mess up. thanks to the little amount of sleep time that i got due to all the assignments. i didnt go for training on thurs. aint feeling too good. and on friday, i got the news that the nite cycling activity, which was supposed to take place last nite, has been postponed till nxt week due to um...idk whatlaa. waseh, ive been looking forward to it all week. but again, i ges its fine cos i get to rest and sleeep. yes. SLEEP. woah.so next week is presentation week. BLEARGH! i dislike presentations. and the following week will be the study week, which means i dont have to go to skool but i have to start mugging for the end-of-semester exams. die.wish me luck people!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Singapore are the
CHAMPIONS again for the
Asean Football Championships! YESSA! lols. god, i cant really feel the hype now maybe cos it happen like two days ago. dammitlaa, couldnt find the time to blog. lol. but its okay no worries, im still gna blog about it no matter what. hhehehs. I am so proud of the
Lions for retaining that title again. although i still think the Lions did so much better during the final first leg in Singapore. the 2nd leg was full of suspense sahh. Thailand had full posession of the ball the whole time laaa. somehow idk why the lions are not chasing after the ball like they did during the first leg. but anyhoos, i was so happy when raddy sub amri during the 2nd half. he can really bring wonders i tell you. and true enough he did. woohoo! hes shot was superbly beautiful laaa. a great way to win this championship. pipat thonkaya's goal was not bad also, like kick-boxing sehh. lol. but actually, i dont really feel that 'semangat' when they won. maybe bcos the game was more towards the thailand side and cos the 2nd leg was an away game i guess. but i bet it wld much more diff if it was held in S'pore. okay im like blabbering too much here. lol. the point is they won!!! whheeeeee! hahah. ohyahh, one more ting, i dont like that
datsakorn thonglao guy. he so whatlaa can. aiyerrr. very bad sportsmanship, very bad. got to agree with my dad that he shouldnt be playing football with an attitude like that laaa.
anyways, i did the most unexpected ting ystd. i actually went to the changi airport to welcomed the Lions back from Thailand. LOL! hahahaahahaahaha. i had 3 hours of break ystd and so since changi airport is quite near to tp, i decided to follow shikin and shima. shane tag along with us as well. and im so glad he did cos he makes a very good photographer. lol. THANK YOU SHANE! hahaha. kk,here are the pictures..
okay, im just too lazy to upload the photos one by one. lol.
i like this pic! :D
wheeee. :Dohyes, i saw norfasarie thr as well, she was with the WAGS. she was thr to...for the most obvious reason. im sure most of u will know laa ahh. hhaha. woa, kevin, my classmate, so good sehh. he got an invitation to a dinner with the president at the Istana. The occassion was for all team Singapore athletes that went to DOHA, FESPIC KL participants and Singapore National football team. So lucky rite him get to have dinner w the footballers. woa! hahaha. big deal laa shirin. lol.
kk, gtg. bye people.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
its always me who have to
look after ppl's feelings.
im not sure why i always do tht
but i guess its just natural for me.
i know you are a sensitive person,
but come' on, spare me a thought.
its always me, me and ME who always
have to find for things to say to u
so that u dont feel cold towards me.
well, know what? im really tired
of doing that everytime we have
a conversation. its unfair.
it really is. you make it seem
like im nobody to you.
and it really hurt cos youre
someone who's very dear to me.
whos gna care about my feelings then?
only God knows how im feeling rite now.
goodnight people.